Artwork Pricing



  • headshot-$25

  • bust-$35

  • half body-$45

  • full body-$60

  • add character- add 50% of original price

Digital illistrations

  • headshot-$40 USD

  • bust-$55 USD

  • half body-$75 USD

  • full body-$90 USD

  • full body with detailed background-$150+

  • 3 view reference sheet with details- $100+

  • add character-add 75% of original price


These are very much dependent on the client’s request. Many factors go into the final price, such as length, complexity, style, content, and many more. Please email me at the Contact Me page or DM me on any social media platform for an animation commission.

Please understand that animation takes time and takes longer to complete than normal commissions and will be more pricey. An estimate for an average animation commission would be about $25 USD per second of animation. Exact length of animation cannot entirely be chosen as it is mostly dependent on what the client’s vision is.